Monday, July 14, 2014

Scalar Energy Pendant
What is a Scalar Energy Pendant / Quantum Pendant? Scalar Pendants and Quantum Pendants are the same thing, different words to describe the same product. This pendant is made from Icelandic Lava Rock and Tourmaline. The combination produces high levels of negative ions and other forms of energy which can provide numerous benefits to the wearer. How can a Quantum Pendant / Scalar Energy Pendant Benefit me? The pendant produces negative ions and other beneficial earth related energies which can stimulate energy in the body. However there is much more to it than this. The negative ions neutralize positive ions in the body. Positive ions go hand in hand with Free radicals. Where there is an abundance of Positive ions Free Radicals will flourish! Free Radicals cause many issues in the body, specifically degeneration and aging, they are most well known for being a major cause for cancer development as well. Negative ions work to neutralize the positive ions and as a result the free radicals are reduced.

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